Downtown Dinner Party on UCB's "A Funny Thing"


Just how far will you go to get what you want? How high a price for fame, for love, will you deduct from your dignity to deposit on the watermelon sweet lips of ambition’s prize? This week, Sam Dingman, aspiring actor and jaunty-angled fedora donner, finds out exactly what he’s willing to put on the table, or leave on the warehouse floor, in his misinformed climb up the showbiz ladder. Who will save him? Urban Dictionary? Big Wang Lucious? Or indie titan John Cameron Mitchell? Listen to find out!

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Check out Sam’s blog here, or listen to his podcast, Dingmanticshere.

I’m excited to be on UCB’s A Funny Thing podcast (part of the SplitSider network) this week!  

If anyone is landing here as a result of said podcast, welcome and thanks for stopping by! You can find more stories by checking out the “Dingmantics” and “Taxi Tapes” links above.

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