EloRating Elation

Nick Markakis is in some pretty special company, name-wise, given his current slot on the Baseball Reference Fan EloRater.
It prompted a bit of statistical research on my part (while I was supposed to be doing innumerable other things, natch), and iā€¦

Nick Markakis is in some pretty special company, name-wise, given his current slot on the Baseball Reference Fan EloRater.

It prompted a bit of statistical research on my part (while I was supposed to be doing innumerable other things, natch), and if you can give me a valid reason that High Pockets Kelly is in the Hall of Fame, while Stuffy McInnis is NOT—well sir/ladysir, I will buy you a root beer.

Root Beer Callahan, by the way, is a lot farther down on the EloRater.

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