THIS IS IT Y’ALL!  Audience of Two has been workin’ our patooties off on this new show, featuring tons of your favorite PITizens.  
As some of you are aware, Ben and Sam started performing together on a sketch comedy radio show in coll…

THIS IS IT Y’ALL!  Audience of Two has been workin’ our patooties off on this new show, featuring tons of your favorite PITizens.  

As some of you are aware, Ben and Sam started performing together on a sketch comedy radio show in college, which Sam started with the notorious Gerrit M. Hall.  Towards the end of their sixth season on WSRN at Swarthmore College, Gerrit wrote an episode entitled HORK!, in which futuristic aliens and humans compete for moral superiority in a mysterious land called Game Over.  Though the script was dyn-o-mite, the crew lacked the production skillz to truly give voice to Gerrit’s vision, and the nagging sense that an opportunity was missed has haunted each of their every waking steps since that fateful evening in late 2003.

UNTIL NOW.  On Saturday, 2/19 at the PIT, Audience of Two presents an all-star remount of HORK!, featuring the voice talents of some of your favorite PITizens:

  • Mike Astolfi!
  • Lorraine Cink!
  • Michelle Ciotta!
  • Leslie Collins!
  • Candice Comisi!
  • Jamie Cummings!
  • Danielia Donahue!
  • Ariel Karlin!
  • Oscar Montoya!
  • Sean Reidy!
  • James Rich
  • Nate Williams!
  • plus, of course, Sam, Ben, and Gerrit himself in a very special cameo

Featuring live sound effect mixing on stage by an almost-certain-to-be-flummoxed Sam, as well as an original violin score by Tom Swafford, this is guaranteed to be a night to remember, as well as a helpful cautionary tale about how seriously F&%$ed up the future is gon’ be.  GIT YO TIX!

Also, we’ll be releasing a very special “studio” version of the episode the very next day, on 2/20, recorded at Hootenanny Studios, where The Road 2 Shambala will also be broadcasting live this Sunday at 4pm, featuring the Ao2 team talking about the history and process of bringing HORK! back to life.  Tune in!